Sep 28 2007

Thank you, eP!

Published by at 4:13 pm under Bits & Thoughts

What a sweet surprise, and a delightful honor to be chosen as an “eclectic Paperie Friend”!  Thank you, to my friends Daisy & Joy!  I love that I’m able to find items at eP (eclectic Paperie) that I cannot easily find in my local area.  Plus, they earn a Best Customer Service every day, in my opinion!

6 responses so far

6 Responses to “Thank you, eP!”

  1. flossie says:

    Congratulations, that is wonderful

  2. Congratulations, you sweet eP Friend!!

  3. Rose Ann says:

    Congratulations on being an eP Friend!!! You are sooo deserving!!

  4. Tandra Boyer says:

    Congratulations Bev!! You deserve it!!!

  5. HB says:

    woooHOOO Tex!!! Congrats darlin – I LOVE to see your creations showcased!

  6. Congratulations to you eP friend – of course they chose you, you rock girl!! *STAMPIN HUGS* Alex

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