Oct 05 2007

Sketch Challenge @ Inky!

Published by at 1:23 am under Inky Antics

sketch Challenge Inky - Martini girl

Here’s my card for this week’s Inky Antics sketch challenge.   While recently shopping at the local scrapbooking store, I noticed this printed paper, and remembered the images I had received during retreat at our ‘image swap’!  I think I was right … the perfect paper for this stamp, called “Martini Girl”, by Inky Antics.  

To enhance the feeling of the bubbles, I dry embossing the printed paper with my Cuttlebug folder from eclectic Paperie!  You can also find the Inky Antics ‘Girly Girls’ collection there too!  Tex’s Tip:  If you need a specific ribbon color that simply doesn’t appear in your collection, pull organdy ribbon between your ink pad and the sponge you’re using to hold the ribbon tightly against the ink pad.  Repeat until the color is the intensity you need!  Yes … your fingers will be a bit inky!  Next, use a light touch with your heating tool to heat set the ink color into the ribbon. 

 Card RecipeSTAMPS==>>  Inky Antics ‘Martini Girl’;  Cardstock==>>  Handsome Hunter, Ruby Red, Whisper White;  INKS==>>  Basic Black;   ACCESSORIES==>>  White Organdy Ribbon, Sponges, Anywhere Hole Punch, Corner Rounder Punch, Cuttlebug, Cuttlebug Embossing Folder ‘Tiny Bubbles’, PrismaColor Pencils, Gamsol, Stumps.

7 responses so far

7 Responses to “Sketch Challenge @ Inky!”

  1. Donna says:

    so cute! the patterned paper is perfect!!

  2. Oooh, I like her – and the card!! That paper is perfect, love the bubbles! *STAMPIN HUGS* Alex

  3. So cute. I love the martinis. After the day I have had I need one, and it is only 3:00 here.

  4. Rose Ann says:

    You are so right! That paper is perfect for the adorable image! Love your card!

  5. Tandra Boyer says:

    So SASSY!!!! Uber cute!!

  6. Michelle Mallett says:

    How can I subscribe to your blog? [email protected] than

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