Dec 26 2007

Returning Soon!

Published by at 1:32 am under Bits & Thoughts

Christmas 2007 Mimi Papa 3 boys 640 

With a beautiful Christmas just past, I wanted to check in to let you know that I have sights set on my stamping table this week.  I have some unfinished items to send out, and an overall “need” to just “stamp”!  Does that ever happen to you?  I simply need to get out here and stamp for the sheer enjoyment of our hobby & craft. 

On a side note …. I thought I had completely ruined my laptop 24-36 hours ago.   As careful as we all try to be around our computers, I finally did that deed that no one ever hopes to do.  I knocked my diet Lime Coke over across my keyboard.    ****pause for gasp***  ‘Tis a true event.  If you did not hear my cry of agony … you must have been sleeping or having a fun & noisy time.   I am blessed to be married for more than half my life to my incredibly talented and patient husband.  While I dreaded carrying my laptop to him and explaining what I had done … he seemed to understand how disappointed I was.  After we had prepared today’s dinner for lunch with our son, daughter-in-law and grandson, James, he proceeded to lift off each key and clean away the stickiness.  (And according to him …. there was more glitter than anything else!)  Imagine that!  haha  Now, it works like a charm, and he has ordered two replacement keys since I’ve worn off the letters “E” and “S”.  I am sooooooo thankful!

I’m including a pic of myself, my hubby, and from L-R are our grandsons, Eli, Zeke, and James.  We had a blessed Christmas together, extended across 3 days … and I hope that each of you are likewise blessed and refreshed.  Here we go toward the finale of 2007, looking forward to a fabulous 2008!  Thanks for sharing your time here with me!

 ~Bev  /  Tex

19 responses so far

19 Responses to “Returning Soon!”

  1. HB says:

    What a beautiful picture of you, Ron and the grandbabies!!! The look on your face is pure joy, Tex! You better give Ron another Christmas!!! lol

  2. JanTink says:

    So that’s what woke me up from my nap!!! Glad your ‘puter is okay! And those grandchildren are very cute! (As is Ron…don’t want to leave him out!) Enjoy St. Stephen’s Day or Boxing Day or just the day after Christmas and get some stamping in!

  3. You have a lovely family – as evidenced by your photo!!! And, thank heavens your laptop has been salvaged! WAHOO! Enjoy your stamping time!

  4. Jennifer Bradley says:

    Awww I can see the grandma twinkle of happiness in your eye. But what struck me when I fist took a look at the picture is that you and James have the same exact eyes! How cool. Glad your putes made it through the coke incedent – it was probably just as thirsty as you were!

  5. Awww, Bev — what a great picture, the boys are all so adorable! Glad your ‘puter is okay now — that Ron’s not such a bad guy afterall (LOL)! Hey, those same letters are worn off my keyboard, too (plus R & T)!! Happy Holidays!

  6. Oh so happy about your computer! I am always warning the kids not to drink when they are the comp for that reason and who spilled the first time??? Yep it was me! LOL
    The kids loved it that it wasn’t them. They grounded me lol
    What a wonderful shot of you and the kids and hubby!!
    I hope you have a wonderful New Year!

  7. Deb says:

    What a great picture! Have a Happy New Year to you and your family.

  8. MichelleY says:

    Ah Tex…this picture is precious! I can sure tell that you and Ron adore being grandparents to these beautiful babes. Merry Christmas!!

  9. twinks says:

    Priceless! What a beautiful family and that DH of your’s really is a gem!

  10. Rose Ann says:

    I love your wonderful picture, Bev! The kids are little cuties too!! Happy New Year!!

  11. otter says:

    Tex what a great picture!!! Look at those boys!! How grown up they look!! I can’t believe how big Zeke is already!! Love you!! Have a great New year!

  12. Vera says:

    Your grandsons are super cute and you do look very happy to have them with you!

  13. loricraig says:

    OH look! There’s Ron…I know first hand how patient and sweet he is. He is soooo tolerant of all of us crafters, isn’t he…come to think of it, he doesn’t have a choice, does he? It was so good to talk to you yesterday. Looking forward to a visit SOON!

  14. Meda says:

    Glad your computer is ok. Did you have back-ups for your data? I don’t and I have some Coke glasses on my table right now. I am married to a computer engineer myself, but some things just cannot be repaired.
    All the best to you and your lovely family for the year that comes. May God fill your hearts with love and peace.

  15. qcbetty says:

    Tex, you are an amazingly lucky woman….what a wonderful family! 🙂

    Hope your Christmas was as wonderful and amazing as I think YOU ARE!!!!!
    Love you my sweet sweet friend!


  16. Val says:

    Precious times, Tex. Absorb them all! Wonderful picture!

  17. Donna says:

    what a great photo~looks like fun was had by all & sure glad you didn’t ruin your laptop~

  18. Adair says:

    What a sweet picture! Look at the eye lashes on those cute babies! What cutie pies! Your husband sounds like a saint. I believe my husband would not have been able to resist making a point or two!

  19. leslierich says:

    Thank you for sharing this beautiful photo, Bev! I know your family was key in the joy of your Christmas. Now…I must say…you elicited quite a response from me with this post! I actually moaned–I didn’t gasp–I moaned aloud when I read that you’d spilled Lime Coke on your keyboard. I was pretty sure there was going to be a happy ending, though. It was an especially happy ending when I read about the *GLITTER* in your keyboard! Tee hee hee hee hee hee! Oh, my! You gave me such GLEE with that! Thank you!!

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