Feb 15 2008

Do You Play “Bunco”???

Published by at 3:52 am under Bits & Thoughts,Other Than Cards

 I have only had the fascinating privilege of playing “Bunco” as a “substitute” player.  How about you?  What area of the country are you in?  Do you play with a monthly group?  Does your group meet once each month or every other month?  Do Tell!!  I’ll have a goody to share for our Bunco Ladies within the next day or two!      


It’s a “work in progress”!!!   That’s enough “hint” for now!!   Tell me about your Bunco group, timing, whatever!!  I want to know!!  *wink*

Happy Middle of the Week!

~Tex  /  ~Bev

21 responses so far

21 Responses to “Do You Play “Bunco”???”

  1. flossie says:

    I LOVE bunco, it is so much fun and you get to meet such fun people. I am playing this Saturday, my SIL’s clubhouse is sponsoring it. I live in South Florida. Have a great weekend.

  2. Denise says:

    I’m in Oregon, and yes, I do! We (hubby and I) are part of a group of high school parents! We generally get together once a month and the more tables the better. We usually have four, but we’ve been known to have five! It’s just a blast.

  3. Tina says:

    Hello! I play Bunco once a month with 7 other ladies. We only play during the cooler months here in Ohio, which would be September thru May. We take turns traveling to each others homes each month. The hostess usually makes a sweet treat for all to enjoy at the end of the evening, with other snacks on the tables that we can munch on. We also have a “Bunco ring” which is this terrible gaudy thing, lol. When you roll a bonco & you excitedly scream BUNCO you get the honor of wearing the ring. At the end of the games, if you have the ring, you win a special gift! Everyone puts $5.25 in the kitty each month, the bigger money goes towards gifts for the following month & the person with the least bunco’s wins the quarters, lol. We give gifts for the most buncos & games, least games & buncos & the bunco ring. Just a bunch of fun for one evening with sweet treats!
    Sorry for the long post ~~ but you did ask! lol

  4. Michelle E. says:

    Bunco! Yea! I play with 11 other ladies, mostly from our block. We meet once a month and everyone puts in $10. It’s a fun way to just get away and have some fun with the girls. We take turns hosting for the month. Each host provides the snacks, and then we just have a ball playing and fighting for that last bunco (that’s where the most money is unless you win in other categories too). It is really fun, hope you enjoyed yourself and think of joining a permanent group.

    Michelle – http://www.stampncreate.blogspot.com

  5. Cat says:

    Bev – i played BUNCO for the first time this week. it was a charitable nite, with all the money collected going to my office’s relay for life team. what fun! i can’t wait to play again.

  6. Debra says:

    I have never played. I don’t even know how. LOL

  7. Sheila from Texas says:

    OMG Bev….

    I wrote you yesterday regarding getting together sometime in Salado and now you are talking about Bunco. I have to tell you what happened to me today. I had run to Walmart to get my daily workout, exercise (LOL) and I had a friend leave me a message. She asked me to be a substitute for her BUNCO group. I had never even heard of BUNCO and now today I’ve heard about it, two times. Too funny! I guess I’m going to have to try this out. I guess this group gets together every 2nd Saturday of the month…cocktails in hand (or drink of choice) and a dish to pass. It sounds like a blast. Here I was waiting to see what Papa had to say what are schedule was going to be like in the near future. I think I’m calling her back and saying YES, YES, YES.


  8. Hi Bev! I would love to play Bunco if only to get the chance to have some sort of social outing! I have heard lots about it, but never have played myself! Know anyone in Oroville, CA who needs a player?? Teehee!


  9. I live smack dab in the middle of Indiana and I used to play in a neighborhood group. It got harder to play once all the kids were school aged and needed to get to bed at a certain time. We played in each others homes on a rotating basis and there aren’t any public places available, so we stopped. But we all miss it.

  10. Christi F says:

    Yes I play bunco. My grandma played with a group of ladies for years. Several years ago a few players “retired” and a few younger gals joined. I played as a sub several times. My grandmother passed away in December and her group asked if I would like to fill her spot. We actually played Wednesday for the first time since she’s been gone. It was tough but it is an awesome group and they made me feel very welcome!

  11. kari & kijsa says:

    We love it! really big in our(and your) home state of Texas, but also here in Kentucky!

    kari & kijsa

  12. Desiree says:

    I love Bunco. I am a substitute player for a couple of groups that meet monthly. Can’t beat it for a crazy night with a bunch of gals!

  13. Hope Conerly says:

    I play bunco every other month with 11 other women. We have a blast. We play on Sat. night and feast of snacks and then a full meal deal and then play for about an hour and a half, feast on dessert and dole out the prizes for most buncos (of which I have been labeled the “bunco ho” because I had 11 in one night; low score, high score and then 2 door prizes. We pay $10 and $1 goes in a kitty to use for sending flowers, gifts, etc. to one of our members who may have been in the hospital, had a death in the family or whatever. I love bunco! Hope

  14. Meda says:

    What’s that???!

  15. kathleenh says:

    Hi Bev! Here in Minnesota I play once a month. A friend of mine started the group 6 years ago and most of the original members are still going strong. It’s a fun game to play because you don’t have to concentrate real hard which gives you plenty of chance to socialize. In this group we are all around the same age with similar aged children so we can bounce ideas off of each other, vent our frustrations, or share parenting tips. There are 12 of us in our group. We each take a turn hosting during the year. It’s fun to see everyone else’s house and eat their yummy treats! I had so much fun with it I started having Stampo events. It’s the same premise as Bunko but you play for Free Stampin’ Up! product. My customers have had great fun with it. I’m eager to see your bunko goodies!

  16. JanTink says:

    Bunco is the game played at every baby and wedding shower for my dad’s family. Why? Because it is the only game that the Meeth women have not found a way to cheat at! We used to play bingo, but when the caller would leave the room, someone would say, ‘Okay, everyone, next number she calls let’s ALL yell “Bingo”!’ 😉 Well, after a while, you can see that that would get kind of old, wouldn’t it? We all hate playing those stupid shower games, so bunco suits us just fine and everyone has a blast.

  17. Susan says:

    I’ve played a couple of times. I work a part time job so I don’t get to play on a regular basis. I have substituted with my aunt when I’ve been in Toledo. It was always fun! I love moving around from table to table. Great fun!

  18. CHRIS MOTT says:

    I play Bunco, I live in Central Texas. I have been playing for 13 years, in the lovely army community..fun!! Usually ours subs always win the big pot of money ..
    we give 30.00 to the most buncos, 15 most wins & buncos, 10 most wins, and 5.00 to the loser…{hey it pays for gas} We have a group of 12 players and contribute $5.00 and the hostess has all the goodies…Have fun!! It is addicting…I was supposed to play last night, but I had a minor emergency pop up..Thank goodness for subs.

  19. CHRIS MOTT says:

    I just read someone mentioned Salado. I live 15 minutes from there. How far are you from there? Chris

  20. Alexis Hilgert says:

    I’ve only played Bunco twice – but I love it. My husbands family plays all the time so the last 2 times we’ve gone up to visit, they’ve scheduled a game so that we could play too! I really didn’t think it would be as fun as it is!!

  21. i play bunco!!!! i am actually our bunco club “president”, not that you need one or anything! i have been in our group the longest, playing once a month for almost 19 years!!! can you imagine? however, our group is fizzling fairly rapidly and “some” of us aren’t getting along with others and we are going to try and break off and start our own!!! i went with jen not too long ago and played pokeno for the first time…now that was fun, too!!! (got you added to the arl. list)

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