Feb 27 2008

Life *** the “Sweeeeet Stuff”!

Published by at 1:25 am under About,Bits & Thoughts

 Zeke Feb ‘08 w/ Mommy

Yes  … to those of you who have come to “know” me … I have recently over-committed my time.  Whenever I do that … You might see a sudden “drop” or “fall” in blogging.  I apologize for that fact, yet it seems sensible to stick with the given obligated tasks and save the rest for later.  That’s basically what I’ve been doing for the past many days.  I hope you’ll understand.    (Click on smaller images to enlarge.)

Zeke & Mimi Feb 27 … 800

I’m thrilled to say that I have sent committed packages out for three postal business days in a row.  Whew!  Now … I can look forward to stamping in “singles” rather than multiples … no more swaps in my immediate future .. no way … time off from swaps for a while.   *wink* 


Eli @ Mimi’s Feb 08 with New Soccer BallSo today … my DD and her 2 little sons were here.  They seem to be recovered from the vicious, current “bug” that’s in our area.  I was blessed with smiles, snuggles, hugs, and my first “in real life” LOL from my adorable 5-month old grandson  … Zeke!  He actually laughs out loud!  I hope that I will remember and treasure tonight’s memory for the rest of my life.  Little blessings grow so very quickly … **blink** .. and they are not the same again.  The same is true for my “older” grandsons, each soon to become 4 years old in April.    In lieu of a project … here is just a wee bit of tonight’s joy to share … 


Tex // Mimi

16 responses so far

16 Responses to “Life *** the “Sweeeeet Stuff”!”

  1. Lorie says:

    Ah, family is always the first priority! Glad to see your sweet grandkiddos! :o)

  2. Oh, your grandbabies are totally darling Bev!! And, you know we will patiently wait for ANYTHING you post so no worries – you are a fabulous stamper! And, family always has to come first – you are so right, we need to remember what is important! *STAMPIN HUGS* Alex

  3. Those little grandchildren are so stinkin cute! Thanks for the call the other night, it was such a great thing to hear your voice!

    I tried to puffy paint some sheep and they are not in good shape. They need a good shearing. See, post your ideas and people will come and steal them…someone might have to spank me in July. (By that time, the whole DT might fight for the chance)

  4. Rose Ann says:

    No apologies necessary! Your grandchildren are so adorable, and I’m thrilled you were able to spend time with them!! HUGS!

  5. Angie Tieman says:

    Oh what cuties you have!! Sounds like a great day, nothing better than laughs and hugs from the little ones!

  6. Oh my gosh…those are the cutest kiddos ever!

  7. britta says:

    awww this is better than any project! I cannot believe how big they are both getting!

  8. Stevie says:

    Beautiful babies – Enjoy them Tex and enjoy some time for yourself. Love you !! 🙂

  9. lacyquilter says:

    So sweet & adorable.

  10. Kerry D-C says:

    I have been there myself….I sometimes wonder why I signed up for so many! It is such a relief when they are done and mailed!

    Ooooooh, Bev! those 2 little guys are WAAAAY CUTE! What beautiful eyes they both have! Aren’t baby giggles the best?

  11. What sweeties! I can’t believe Zeke is already that big!!! It still seems like yesterday when you called and said he had been born!!!!!!!!!!!
    I love listening to any child laugh, but a babies first laugh is so precious!
    Glad you have your swaps done so you can spend precious times with family and really enjoy it! Ü

  12. Debra says:

    What a nice change of pace and what wonderful little projects!

  13. diane mcvey says:

    Oh, they are SOOO cute! I have 4 sons, and 2 grandsons that are 4 and 6…I don’t get to see them very often, but it’s so fun when I do!
    I’m so glad you got to enjoy your daughter and the little boys, and have a terrific weekend! 😀

  14. HB says:

    Tex, those boys are just the CUTEST things ever!! How come they have to grow so fast?
    Hugs darlin!!

  15. leslierich says:

    This was a wonderful “smile” moment! Thanks, Bev! Your family is beautiful. They truly are the most important part of life.

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