May 01 2009

Happy Birthday!! * SC226

Published by at 3:08 am under Rubbernecker,SCS Challenges

RN 50s sunday H Bday SC226 500×186

Oh my … it’s been a busy week here, but I promised myself that I would play with this week’s cool SCS sketch no matter how long. As it turns out, I’m learning that it’s “ok” to start on a project, take part in “life”, and return to the project.  Hey!  That works for me, and it feels good!  I’ve added some glitz and mini beads to this one, just for the feel of a real ‘birthday celebration”!

Rn Sundae closeup 346×375The ice cream sundae was stamped & colored twice, with one being covered with glossy accents, and teeny beads added to represent the chopped nuts on the topping.   Next, it was carefully cut out, and layered atop the first image with bits of foam tape.  

Please excuse while I temporarily digress to a much younger day …  Every now & then, my Daddy & I (yes .. I was his shadow) would go to our hometown’s “drug store”, which included an original soda fountain … yes … complete with gray & white marble countertop & spinning chrome soda-fountain stools for sitting at the counter.   Above us were my first encounter with embossed metal ceilings and ceiling fans gently moving the air.   It was at that very soda fountain that I savored my first Chocolate Sundae, complete with homemade chocolatey sauce with a cherry on top (okay … half of a Sundae, since it was split with my Daddy.)  I sincerely adore the memories of that very special place in time.  Daddy’s nickname was “Red”, and I was known as “Little Red” by Daddy’s coffee club friends through my youth and beyond.   I miss you to this day, Daddy!

Rn Sundae Birthday SC226 475×371Back to reality!  I will often start a project, and stick to it until completion, no matter what the ‘clock’ says.  In recent times, I’ve been trying to allow myself to “let it wait” for whatever else needs to happen in our lives.  Hey!  I’m really liking this!  So, my SCS SC226 card wasn’t ready on the day of the SC226 post, but it’s ready to share now!    I hope you enjoy!  I’m looking forward to some sweet family time over the weekend, and I hope that you are as well!   Thanks for stopping by!  Happy Weekend to each of you!


Card Recipe:  STAMPS >>  Small Sunday 174-16, and New Release Birthday Borders #438.  (All from Rubbernecker Stamps)

PAPERS >> Prism Nautical Blue Medium, Baby Blue Light, Black, and Smooth White. Basic Grey Cupcake Paper Pad. 

INKS >>  Adirondack Pigment Pitch Black, Memento Tuxedo Black, Copic Markers

ACCESSORIES >>   Stickles Christmas Red + Waterfall + Icicle, Doodlebug Bumblebee Glitter, Ranger Glossy Accents, Cuttlebug Embossing Folder, Spellbinders Wizard, Spellbinders Nestabilities Circles + Scallop Circles, Metallic Cord, mini beads, tweezers.

12 responses so far

12 Responses to “Happy Birthday!! * SC226”

  1. […] David added an interesting post today on Happy Birthday!! * SC226Here’s a small readingACCESSORIES >>   Stickles Christmas Red + Waterfall + Icicle, Doodlebug Bumblebee Glitter, Ranger Glossy Accents, Cuttlebug Embossing… […]

  2. Okay now I want a sundae. This is fab, Bev!

  3. Karen M. says:

    Beautiful card! I love the sprinkles. TFS


  4. Adela says:

    How yummylicious!!!

  5. lovin’ the beads on your sundae! but most of all, I love the trip down memory lane with you and your daddy! I miss mine, too! it’s been 16 years that he’s been gone, and it feels like yesterday sometimes. we’ll always be daddy’s little girls though! 😉 I raise my sundae glass to you! 😀

  6. Otter says:

    Oh Tex!! I love the frayed metallic cord!! Neat idea!!

  7. bronih says:

    I just LOVE your sparkly happy card, Bev! And hooray for you for “letting it wait”!

  8. KelliJo says:

    Oh what a WONDERFUL Memory!!!!

    Those nuts are TOOO COOL!!!!!

    Yes, PLEASE enjoy life these stamps are FUN not chores!!!! You ALWAYS rock what you make but do NOT make yourself unhappy or over tired!!!! Thanks SO much for sharing what you do !!!!!

  9. Debra says:

    Love your card and love your story about the soda shop with your daddy. It’s great to hear in this day and age about a wonderful memory, and something cherished!!

  10. Rose Ann says:

    This is so yummy-looking and fun, Bev!! I love the dimension and sparkle!! A perfect birthday card!!

  11. Joan Ervin says:

    This is absolutely YUMMY, Bev…love all the chocolate fudge and the background papers are sooo festive and fun….Awesome, girlfriend!!!

  12. This looks good enough to EAT!!!
    I love how it is popped and the sprinkles and chocolate!!
    I am so hungry now!!

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