Jun 28 2009

eP Visited Texas! * A Weekend to Savor! + an Introduction!

Published by at 11:00 pm under Bits & Thoughts

At last, my shoes are ‘off’, my photos are edited, and I’m left with a huge smile on my face.  The weekend was a treasure, complete with friends, my DD & GD joined in for some of the sightseeing and enjoyment.  For quite a long time, I’ve hoped one day to welcome our eclectic Paperie friends, Daisy & Joy, to Texas.   This was the weekend!  Oh what a delight to ((hug)), laugh, share, and just “savor” being with friends.  They were actually here for artistic classes to further “enable” all of us through eclectic Paperie.   But all work and no play wouldn’t be right at all!  So I’ll share some pics of our brunch today with a few Texas SCS’ers! 

eP  Susan Daisy 475×357

Susan Liles (susiestampalot) & Daisy Sparks


eP Sharon Jen 475×307

Sharon Harnist (stampersharon) & Jen del Muro (genie1314)


eP Jessica Joy 475×334

Jessica Witty (jess_witty) & Joy Kennedy (JoyofStamping)


eP Joy Sharon 475×340

Joy & Sharon


eP Tex Daisy  475×330

Tex / Bev (moi) and Daisy

and … introducing,

eP Noelle 371×475

my first granddaughter, Noelle!

(I have witnesses …. Noelle did smile for her Mimi …. but I was talking to her instead of holding the camera at the time!)  *grin*

I hope you had a sweet & savory weekend as well!  Thank you for your visits, and here’s to a marvelous week!~

12 responses so far

12 Responses to “eP Visited Texas! * A Weekend to Savor! + an Introduction!”

  1. Kim Teasdale says:

    Awe! You guys are so cute! What a fantasic opportunity to get together for everyone and we know that a great time must have been had by all 🙂 Great photos Bev and thank for sharing! Noelle is just gorgeous 🙂



  2. loricraig says:

    totally jealous…

  3. Kittie Caracciolo says:

    Your Noelle is absolutely precious. I know you are in seventh heaven when you have her. What fun pictures of your gathering.

    Only a few more weeks and you will be here. Woo Hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. bronih says:

    What great pictures, Bev! Thanks for sharing them with us! Noelle is absolutely darling!!! Don’t you just LOVE the fresh little NEW smiles!!!??

  5. Sandy Hill says:

    OMGosh, Noelle is adorable. I still can’t get over how much hair she has.

    You all looked like you were having a great time. The pictures are great.

  6. Oh my goodness! She is ADORABLE!!!!! I am guessing you got lots of hugs and kisses on those sweet cheeks along with the joy of sweet baby smell. 🙂 Looks like a fun weekend.

  7. Donna Baker says:

    I wish I could have been there! looks like y’all had fun – what a sweet baby girl Noelle is! congratulations!!

  8. Debra says:

    Big Congratulations to you on your first granddaughter! Life is about to get very very interesting!!

  9. Vicki Chrisman says:

    What a totally fun bunch of girls you got to hang with!!!

  10. pam hooten says:

    I so wish I could have been there Tex….I know I missed some great hugs!

    You granddaughter is so precious, does she have green eyes? I know y’all are SO proud!

  11. Otter says:

    yeah Tex!! Noelle is adorable! Looks like you had fun!

  12. Tex, we had such an AMAZING weekend!!!! Thank you for taking us around and showing us the wonderful sites of Texas! 🙂

    We will come visit soon again when we have more time to “play”!


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