Jan 26 2010

Blog is Up & Running …. & I’m running too!

Published by at 2:38 am under About,Tex's Tips

Hello Friends!

Has everyone given up and gone away?   First, I must apologize.  My blog service was completely down for a few days.  I was unable to access to write or update.  I’m not even sure whether or not readers could “see” Savor the Journey.  

On Wednesday, Jan. 20, a couple of darling girlfriends, Joan Ervin and Pam Hooten, arrived at my home to get ready to depart Texas for our long-awaited trip to CHA in Anaheim, California on Thursday, Jan. 21.   Wellllllllll ….. we were “tested” by frightening wind shears as we landed in Phoenix, AZ, and all flights out of Phoenix were cancelled for the rest of the day.  Yep!  We were officially stuck in a virtual “sea” of baggage and displaced passengers.  No one was happy, and all were hurridly seeking hotel rooms, and searching for their elusive baggage.  Like I said …. this had to be a “test”!  

At long last, we had located all of our drenched luggage, and after much waiting we had secured a hotel reservation with confirmation number.  So, we headed outside into the rains to wait for the hotel shuttle!  Here we go!    … …. Not.

Upon arrival at the Doubletree, we were informed that the displaced passengers had been given 50 rooms, when they only had 25 to give.   (Imagine all 3 of us moving our luggage plus our weary selves to the lobby to plot the next move.)   Did you know that $7.00 plus tax will buy a small Snickers bar and 2 little bags of Lay’s Potato Chips?    Tex’s Tip:  When rationed carefully, a Snickers bar can handle two chocolate-loving friends, while the salty in me was savoring some of those chips for sure!

After much waiting, several phone calls to other hotels, and waning hope of a bed to sleep in, the hotel manager approached us.   (Stand in unision, ladies, for in unity, we have strength!)   Expecting to be told to vacate the premises, we were so relieved to be offered a newly-cancelled room having 1 bed & one sofa.  Ours!   Arrange for a 5:00 a.m. wake-up call, and collapse!    zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz    zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

The phone rang at 5:00, beckoning the 3 of us to shower and scamper as best we could to the airport known as PHX.   Why I didn’t enter the doors armed with a ready camera is still a mystery to me.  Lines, ques & ques of displaced passengers were already in place, eager to get new boarding passes & seats to be on their way out of Phoenix.  We were merely 3 of countless people in the same boat predicament, hoping to be on a plane soon.   I won’t bother you with the saga of the “Detroit nurse from oh-so-grumpy-gripeyland” … but let’s just say that she was determined to spread her displeasure and negativity as far and wide as the airwaves could handle.   Mercy!

PHX airport waiting

Lucky us!  We were scheduled for the 8:50 a.m. departure into Orange County, CA.   Security was packed to overflowing … the body heat was stifling, and the “Detroit nurse from oh-so-grumpy-gripeyland” was now spreading her displeasure 3 ques away from us.   Thank you, thank you!      😉

At last, our turn came to pass through the security entrance!


PHX our plane

Hurry up, so you can wait again!    And of course, that’s what we were destined to do.  8:50 came & went.   We spotted our luggage waiting beside the aircraft on luggage carts, with not a soul around … no baggage handlers, no one was outside scurrying around the plane to prepare for boarding or take-0ff.  No one.   The gate agent had the dubious pleasure of announcing that although the aircraft was ready to go, we had no crew to fly.  Sit comfortably in your seat … if you have one!  (Lucky us!  We did have seats.) 

After more than an hour of waiting for the crew, we finally boarded the plane for our one-hour + flight to Orange County!  Our baggage was so much easier to reclaim this time, and Mr. Rubbernecker himself picked us up at the curb to safely deliver us to our hotel, followed by a brief drive over to CHA!  We made it!!   We have arrived!

(More later!)  I’m so glad to be back online!  Have a sweet day!


9 responses so far

9 Responses to “Blog is Up & Running …. & I’m running too!”

  1. HOLY MOLY!! I’m so glad you made it, and sorry you had to go through all that! Have a fabulous time! 🙂

  2. Yes you were missing, in fact my computer told me Savor the Journey was not taken and I could have name if I wanted. LOL Sorry you had such an “exciting” time getting from A – B, been there, done that and I am exhausted for you. BUT, I know you are having a GREAT time at CHA. Share the fun when you can.

  3. Meda says:

    Wow! Now that is a story! Still, I wish I could go to CHA in person too. See if you spot my invitations at the Provo Craft booth. Unfortunately they had a long journey too and might not have made it from Florida to California.

  4. Lori Kistler says:

    hi, I found your name on the SCS BST site for someone to ask questions. I have tons so when you get returned from Sunny CA is you could reach me I would appreciate it. I have about 200 brand new and a few used once but not stained PSX stamps that i have decided to sell. I need to downsize my stamproom really bad and have taken most everything else off of the wood.

    I see the collector/dealers are really ripping fellow stampers off on these stamps on eBay. They are wanting up to 3x what I paid for a stamp and I do have the ones they have on the site. Although I do not want to want to give them away I want other stampers to enjoy them without getting ripped off to have them.

    Maybe you can help me with that issue and with how to begin to put them on SCS bst post.


  5. Michele says:

    I guess…..better late than never huh? What a pain! Glad you finally made it there!!! Have a SAFE trip back!

  6. Julia Aston says:

    Yikes – I have a headache just reading this! at least the three of you were together to give each other support!

  7. Debbie Fisher says:

    Sounds like you could write a book! Ü Glad you made it safe and sound.

  8. jami says:

    Oh my goodness Tex! I did not hear about this at CHA – did not realize you had been stuck in Phoenix. So glad you were with friends and that you did eventually make it!!! HUGE HUGS my friend. So so so very good to see you again!

  9. pam hooten says:

    Ohhh, you did a great job with this Tex, can I copy and paste? LOL! I’m so happy I got to spend this wacky time flying in with you and Joan. You both made it so much better for me.

    Love you sweetness!

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