Feb 05 2011

Breaking Out!

Published by at 5:56 pm under About

Howdy, everyone! 

It’s time, it’s time to break out of this icy shell I call home!  Perhaps this is something similar to the way hibernating critters feel when they first stretch and take a peek from their cozy dens to consider venturing out at last.   

January was basically a large loss for me creatively, as you might have noticed.   I’m finally doing better now, and feel a bit more like myself. 

Yesterday, the sub-freezing temps revealed their nastiness here, and frozen pipes burst in the workshop that is my hubby’s treasure.   Hours were given to vacuuming at least 280 gallons (estimated via bucket loads) from the sunken flooring where electical & vacuuming, etc. is held beneath one’s feet on any normal day.  Now, sheetrock must come down, fans are in full use … The word “mess” doesn’t even come close to accuracy.   Days will be spent in drying time, followed by days+ for repairs & replacements.   Just a huge, pitiful “test” for sure.  God is good … no one was hurt, and we have a warm & cozy home for which we are thankful.  (All photos will enlarge upon a **mouse click**.  Use the back button to return.)

Yes!  We are breaking out!   Writing to you from within 45 traffic minutes of the Super Bowl at Cowboys Stadium, but this Texas Rangers baseball fan will be glad to simply watch the game from the comforts of home for sure.    And yes, a little bit of snow is forecasted for around kickoff time!   😉

Coming up:   I’ll have a brand new project posted early Monday morning …. think “silver”!

Stay warm & cozy, my friends!

10 responses so far

10 Responses to “Breaking Out!”

  1. Fran Gumprecht says:

    Oh, Bev, what a mess! I know how my DH feels about is playground and toys so I can relate to how your hubby must feel! I’m glad everyone is safe and that it didn’t affect the rest of your home! Glad you are feeling better. Praying things get back to normal soon. Hugs!

  2. Karen H says:

    Aaaaaccccckkkkkk! What a giant mess! I am so sorry this happened to you. You are really taking some hits lately. What have you done to make the Gods angry? lol Just kidding! Sometimes life is just like that. I’m so glad you are all safe and it was just water. It could have been much much worse – right? I hope everything dries out nicely and is back to normal soon. You just sit and do nothing but take care of your own little self! Hugs to you my friend.

  3. anne ryan says:

    Bevie, what a mess. So sorry to learn of your latest challenge. Yes, God is great … no one was injured and you’re not out in the cold. How great you can find something good in all this. Keep us updated with the progress. Hugs, sweet girl. PS Hang in there!

  4. Kittie Caracciolo says:

    Wow! What a giant mess this is for you guys. I know Ron has to be more than a little upset. How thankful I am that this didn’t happen in your home so you are safe and warm..! I hope y ou don’t over do working out there with all you have going on with your health. Take good care!

  5. Julia Aston says:

    Oh goodness – truly a very sad mess! Somehow it will all get righted but now it probably seems a long way from that! And, yes, thank goodness it wasn’t the house! We have bright sun and melting here today in MA but 3 snowstorms predicted on various days this coming week!! will the snow ever end this winter????

  6. Broni says:

    Oh my, Bev. What a mess! I know you and Ron have probably been working ’round the clock on getting this cleaned up. Don’t overdo it, please. Take care of yourself. If I was near, I’d gladly come over to help.

  7. Heather McNally says:

    Oh Tex – what a mess! So sorry!!!! Hoping it is less painful than it sounds. Hugs to you both!

  8. Cathleen says:

    Oh My Gosh Bev, I am so sorry. I am thinking of you and hoping thing return to normal soon!

  9. KelliJo says:

    Oh Bev!!! That is HORRIBLE… your poor DH… I would SO be upset if that was my rubber room and I can only imagine the heart ache your hubby is feeling!!!! 🙁 Give him a big ole Pacific Northwest Hug from me! 😉 Tee Hee, might be a lil WET as we are raining again but… it’s the though right? 😉

    I hope you are doing alright, I have been missing you!!! 🙁


  10. Crystal says:

    Oh my goodness Bev, UGH I am sooo sorry you are dealing with this 🙁 What a nightmare!!! I love your positive thinking and for that things wll move right along for you!! Big hugs and hang in there sweetie!!!!

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